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Terms & Conditions
Zethic Technologies LLP. delivers a legal agreement that demonstrates 100% assurance of adhering to (NDA) Non-Disclosure Agreement Guarantee to prevent infringement of “Confidential Information” of clients. We guarantee to utilise the submitted information objectively and to protect it against misuse by other clients or resources.
General terms & conditions
We declare that any items posted and published on www.zethic.com, including website design, content, photos, logo, reviews, trademarks, layout, and so on, are the exclusive property of Zethic Technologies LLP. The data as a whole is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. No one may duplicate, use, transfer, modify, exploit, or disseminate Zethic Technologies LLP property, whether for business or non-commercial purposes. Nobody is permitted to use our name or logo for publicity or promotion without first obtaining written permission from our owner.
We reserve the right to alter and modify our “Terms & Conditions,” URL name, and other service changes without prior notice. We have the right to change terms, product pricing, warranties, and specifications without informing you.
You are not permitted to transmit or post any content on our website that is harassing, unlawful, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, or encourages misconduct. Doing so will be regarded a criminal offence on your part.
Breach of terms & conditions
If you fail to comply with the conditions, terms, agreements, and notices, your rights will be terminated by self-termination. Without previous notification, the downloaded material that you own or possess will be terminated immediately.
You accept to be held accountable for your actions under the policy. You will also make every effort to protect Zethic Technologies LLP and its affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, business partners, agents, licensors, joint venturers, and third-party information suppliers.
Disclaimer regarding warranty
zethic.com has the right to change its policy disclaimers at any moment. As a result, we make no assurance of non-infringement. If you continue to use the website after it has been changed without considering the changes and suffer any type of damage (by using its information or downloading anything), we will not be accountable. If you continue to use the website, it will be assumed that you have consented to the adjustments.